Slide Cats

A while back I said that I had seen other slide puzzle games like Haru Cat Slide, and I figured I should try a few and see what other kinds of options the game makers may have added to this simple puzzle type. I ended up finding another cat-themed one, called Slide Cats. The game play was so much like Haru Cat Slide, it was almost comical. The art was up a notch and it was wrapped in a kind of secret agent vibe. I guess this time you're trying to stop some alien from turning the cats into zombies. Like usual, the story is pointless. But it has so many of the same features: same grid size, same cat sizes, frozen cats, unmovable cats, cats that countdown and freeze other cats, cats with gifts, and blue cats (instead of purple) that zap all the cats around them. There is a character at the top who has a "power" to zap cats when needed, but this time there is a clear progress bar showing the recharge level of that extra effect. In...