Card Caper by University Games

We found another interesting hybrid card game at the same thrift shop as last post, just 6 weeks later. By "hybrid", I mean it combines a regular deck of cards with some other major game mechanic. In this case, Card Caper by University Games is simply a game of trying to guess your opponent's card. It starts with each player choosing a secret card, and the rest of the cards are dealt out to all players. Then, each player puts one card from their hand under each section of their side of the board, so you will end up playing a card of a different suit, a card that's higher than your card, a card that's lower than your card, and a card with a different value. Once set up, you takes turns rolling a die and moving a piece around the circular board, which tells you what action you can take on your turn. If the board says "higher card", you have to play another card in your "higher card" area, and so on. If the board says "Guess", you ...