Solarquest - is it just space Monopoly?

Solarquest always felt like space Monopoly to me, and it's hard not to make that immediate comparison. The property cards are near perfect clones of the ones in Monopoly, you roll two dice and move, you pay some kind of rent when you land on properties owned by opponents, and pick cards with good and bad outcomes. But there are plenty of differences. The board is much more interesting -- it has more spaces and the extra challenge where you can't escape from a planet's gravity well if you don't roll high enough. The need for fuel is a constant pain, but you get to build fueling stations on your own properties and can buy fuel from some generic spaces or from opponents when you land on their spots. So the fuel acts a bit like the hotels in Monopoly except that you can buy as much as you need, or as much as you can afford, and you always seem to be low again a few moves later. Spaces that are not planets or moons do not cost fuel to leave. Of cour...