Empires & Puzzles - Path of Giants

Over on E&P, then upgraded the Path of Valor quest screen to have a whole parallel set of quests. So now this a Path to Adventure page with two tabs: the old Path of Valor and the new Path of Giants. The first costs $9.99 per 30 days to get the full set of bonus items (which I do pay for every now & then), and Giants costs $19.99 (which is too much for this kind of thing for me). Having twice as many available quests is nice, even with the default free sets of rewards. The Giants series almost always has 3 or 4 quests dealing with unique challenges for the Raids. The Raids got pretty boring and repetitive after a few years, but now there is almost always a quest to defeat 5 heroes by class and another to defeat 5 heroes by element. So 5 paladins, check. 5 fire heroes, check. On the downside, it's a bit annoying that when showing the opposing teams, the class icons are not visible unless you click every hero. Some of the othe...