Horrified, with Friends

A cousin of Anne's had a board game afternoon, so we went to visit and played two rounds of Horrified then a funny game of Bananya. Horrified is an odd game. It's a cooperative game where your team tries to defeat some number of classic movie monsters. It's SO collaborative that everyone pretty much plans out your move for you by the time your move comes around. Each player gets a character card. Each character has 3, 4 or 5 actions plus a special ability. The actions are (from memory here): - move your hero one space - move a villager one space - make one attack on a monster - pick up all chips on your current space - trade some number of chips with another player on the same space Chips are placed on the board throughout the game. The chips each have a color, some number of points, and the name of the space where they are placed. Each monster has its own quirks and different ways to defeat them. For Dracula, you have to wipe out all four of hi...