Picross Survival - first map cleared

Picross Survival still has plenty of nonograms left to offer.  I like the laid-back art style and overall characters, and the incidental animations and music.  



Each of the 3 levels has 10 encounter areas, each with 8 puzzles then a 5x5 grid of more puzzles to solve with a few puzzles blacked out.  The Jungle level is 10x10 puzzles, Island is 15x15 and Antarctica is 20x20 puzzles.  Good for idle time.  No points to accumulate and no quests or power ups to worry about.

Looks like I finished the 15x15 Island levels.
10/23 And this morning I completed the 10x10 Jungle levels. 
That leaves me only the 20x20 maps to finish, and as always I wonder if a few bonus levels might unlock or if it's just going to end, like Wish Stone did.  The finished maps do trigger Google Play achievements, which is a nice touch.

10/31 update ... it turns out that the last few levels in Antarctica are actually 30x30 puzzles, and these are a bit frustrating to work on.  The boxes are too small for my fingers without serious concentration and when you enlarge it the boxes overlap controls and fingers hit too many incorrect spots.  But I will trudge through and try to wrap it up, but I can only do one or two at a sitting due to eye strain.

11/7 update: the zoom controls take some getting used to, but they do work and I got through two more whole maps.  This story frame was worth the struggle: 



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