Game shopping: Knowhere Games
On the way home from work, I keep trying more obscure back roads to avoid traffic. Driving through Furniture Row in San Marcos, I saw that these roads went for many blocks behind the big stores. I googled the area and found a possible game shop (Knowhere Games and Comics), a possible dog boarding place for Dory, a huge consignment/antique shop Anne already knew about, and a cider/mead brewhouse that wasn't open yet.
It turns out that Knowhere did have a good assortment of games. There were shelves of D&D books and other RPGs. There was a reasonable selection of about 100 different board games, but mostly not our style. Then there was a big back room setup for D&D and Magic the Gathering games and tournaments. Along the back wall was a shelf packed with games. See here:
Players are welcome to come over if there's no big game event going on, and try out those games. That sounds great, since buying so many games only to have about 40% of them turn out to be too complex or obtuse. We do get a lot of keepers, but it would be nice to try a few more before banking on them.
I bought the Doctor Who RPG Starter Kit. I keep looking for an RPG that Anne might enjoy, and most of these games have too much fighting and killing, they're a hard sell. Personally, I can read RPG core rules, campaign settings and source books all day long -- they are a fascinating new genre -- as I enjoy reading the details and imagining all the adventures. I just can't commit to "every saturday for a year and a half" to actually be part of a big campaign.
On the funny side, the restroom is a real-life quest where you're given a key with a map and have to find the secret hallway under the stairs two offices buildings north of the shop.
The staff was friendly, loved petting Dory, and this place is close enough to home. We drive past there all the time, never knew these side-street businesses were even there.
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