Hero Park

I tried a few new app games this week.  It's really hard to find the exact mix I'm looking for.  I am open to new twists or game mechanics, but they are rare.  Most apps run the same specials, the same boosters for the same 5 or 6 stats, the same contests and guilds and clickbait stores.

One that I found was Hero Park.  It starts off saying, "This is the story of an old man and his unicorn," which I thought was cute and spunky.  In this game, you are building a town full of shops that craft items for adventurers, and you stock the dungeons where they can get loot and then spend the loot of beer and turkey legs in your tavern.

When the unicorn zooms off to find new adventurers, it's hilarious.  Well, it was hilarious the first time, and now I just click that top-right button and the unicorn is usually off the bottom of the screen at the time.  The unicorn brings in new adventurers.  Four cards are shown at first, so choose the two with the most money who need the most of items you have on hand, then two more adventurers, pick one of those.

I have tried a few of these "make the adventurers happy" game apps, and they all get the same quickly.  You can only build a new building if it has unlocked, and you spend most of the game just looking for buildings with exclamation points -- you click those and click whatever needs clicking.  Why can't they show all the available shops and just let high prices decide what to build.  Why do I have to have a graveyard before I get a swordsmith?

You get to level up your shops and workers, and make more stuff, better stuff.  

Anyway, the art is friendly, and the game has a good vibe.  It's just something I've been through before.  I don't know that I will put hours into it, waiting to find something new.

Funny side note: Trying to google '"story of an old man and his unicorn" +app' just confuses the system and gets no results at all.


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