Donation: Boys & Girls Club

As we try out so many games per year, we keep our favorites and try to find homes for the others.  There is only so much shelf space.  It used to be fun to resell them, but with shipping costs higher than most of the games are worth, we started looking for other outlets.  We want them to get played.  We tried listing whole boxes of them on NextDoor for bargain prices, but only ever got gripes about not being settling for crummy offers.  We don't want to take everything to Goodwill.  We don't really like them anymore.  There are lots of other thrift shops and charities in town, but it feels like they will just disappear into the system, maybe end up on a shelf, maybe someone will buy them trying to make a buck.  Are they going to get to the gamers, or possible future gamers that way?

We tried letting family members know about them, but either they were non-gamers and didn't care ... or they were gamers who only want a few very specific things, as gamers do.

So we finally figured we would find a local Boys & Girls club and get them where they might be appreciated.  So Anne took these three big boxes to them today.  She said that when she emailed them about it last week, the guy figured she was only talking about four or five games.  But no.  There must have been 30-40 in these boxes, all shapes & sizes, from the 1970s to recent ones.  We hope they enjoy them.  Maybe the one location will get some of them moved to other locations, who knows.  But it feels like they're going to be played, so that's a win.  ;-)


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