Milton the Monster (1966)

Here's a game that's as old as I am.  I don't remember the Milton the Monster show, but like almost every TV show from the past half century, it has a board game.  It's not easy to find, but there's a website that finds these old games and makes them playable online with Javascript.  The site is here.

This team does good work.  The game is not that exciting, just a roll and move race game.  But the developers made the spinner spinnable, and added a few sound effects for fun, especially the little sound gag when you win the game.

The somewhat interesting elements of this game are: you are playing two discs, and when you land on an opponent you send the opponent backwards to the closest white space, so you can force them to lose a turn or whatever.

So until you get one piece to the end, you get to choose which piece to move to avoid the bad spaces.  To win, you have to get both discs to the final space by exact count.  Once one piece is at the final space, the game gets a bit dull, since you no longer have any choices.

I don't see the point of allowing two players to share a square until you pass the monster space (left bottom), then limiting it to one player per space.  All they had to do is put a horizontal line through those early spaces to make it visually apparent, like they do in all subsequent spaces.

Anyway, I just wanted to point you to this page with its selection of old board games you can play right now.  The board has a cute range of images, and apparently the developer added himself as an available playing piece.

Update: I watched a few of those old episodes on YouTube, and it's cute.  It feels vaguely familiar.  It's a sort of Munsters cartoon crossed with Mr. Magoo, full of big caricature voices, like famous gangsters and oddball characters from old 1940s-50s movies.  Maybe back then we would pick up on which movie stars are being voiced; the only one I picked up on was Peter Lorre (of course).  The opening line of the show pretty much explains the whole game: "On top of old Horror Hill, in their secret laboratory, Professor Weirdo and Count Kook were in all their glory ..."


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