Atom Inc Idle - Research Upgrade & Collider

I didn't see that the devs did an update, but the layout of the Research page is much better now:

I made it to element 64, then went ahead and did the reset to get more neutrinos.  Watching a video for X2, I got 10,682 neutrinos.  I also bought 200 quanta to speed up some things: I unlocked the collider for 175 quanta (instead of 2 million knowledge points), and then got 500 injections for 25 quanta.  

The collider is pretty, although it's just another expensive tree of energy multipliers.  You buy "injections" with neutrinos or quanta then tap the circular button at the bottom to zap some particles through the collider, and hope they get caught by one of the traps.  You start with one trap at the bottom, a little circle that initially needs 30 captures to fill.  You can buy more traps, though the cost goes up exponentially (of course).  You can upgrade a trap for a cost.  The level 2 trap can hold 60 particles.  What I don't see is how the N13 meter at bottom right works, or what the filled traps do.  Maybe it all just adds to that multiplier at the top.

After the reset, I was back at element 1 (hydrogen), but the energy production was hugely boosted by past upgrades that survived the reset.  Then, when I got up this morning, the idle time had me back up in the "af" range, and I could do a ton of upgrades (12-UP here, 11-UP there), so I am producing atoms of element 59 again, and just discovered 65 Terbium (whose data card had a typo calling it "teribium").  The reset did not set me back nearly as badly as it does in other idle games I have written about.  I am generating 321 ae per second.

3:05PM: after idle, some more 6-UP to 12-UP upgrades and a few more atoms, generating 16af/sec and just discovered ytterbium (70 Yb), which is one of 4 elements named after the Ytterby mine in Scotland, where they were discovered: yttrium, ytterbium, erbium, terbium. 


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