2K48 - 6x6 Game Finally Ended

My 6x6 game of 2K48 finally hit a roadblock and ended.  As expected, I was trying to push forward but had a jam of 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024 + 2048 + 4096.  One more 128 and a few moves would have overloaded the whole sequence up to my second 32768, but there was no space left to move.  That's the challenge, trying to push each block up to the highest possible block, but at some point we do need a second 2048 which means a second 1024 which means a second 512.  I probably could have managed it better and not had so many low values hanging around, but I'm glad it's over.  It takes too much time.  Just a few minutes here and there at home, bathroom breaks, a little bit before bed, and while waiting for things to happen in real life, just the in-between time -- it's still too much.  I should probably uninstall that darn time-sucker and move on to other things.



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