Chest Hero Part 5 - Artifacts and Wings

Your Wings can be upgraded and then tiered up, by spending gold and white feathers.  Beyond that there is a screen to Empower them, which I will have to explore more when I have more components to tinker with.

By the way, the main chest pulsates once for each tier of item it's about to uncover.  If it opens right away, it will be Ordinary.  A second pulse means it's Uncommon, and so on.

Level 53 to 54 takes 780 xp.  At this point I can go 15 to 30 picks without needing any of the items.

Level 54 (clicked a lot during lunch break).  

Task 114: accumulate chest upgrades 10 times.
Task 115: accumulate chest upgrades 17 times.
Task 116: accumulate chest upgrades 18 times.
Task 117: accumulate chest upgrades 19 times.
Task 118: accumulate chest upgrades 20 times.
Task 119: reach level 58.

That's an odd progression.  Skip 7, then 4 steps of trivial actions (already done), then 700 more clicks needed.

I was wondering what the tiers above Legendary are, since I finally got one of those.  The ranking of items is such a constant across game apps.  Here they are for Chest Hero:

Ordinary (light gray)
Uncommon (green)
Excellent (violet blue)
Rare (purple)
Epic (yellow)
Legendary (orange)
Mythic (salmon)
Perfect (light blue)
Immortal (pink).  

Chest level 8 costs 5 permits at 14000 gold each.  Wow, in the whole run up to level 55 (805 xp = roughly 160 clicks), there were only 3 items that counted as upgrades.

I can't see continuing this game for months, but I do want to get to task 130 to unlock most of the basic features, so I can describe those and look for more hidden gem development ideas like those mini games.

I tapped more during an online meeting, then ...
Task 120: reach level 60.  Level 59 needs 910 xp, 180 clicks.  Grr.  Level 60 needs 935 xp.

It's funny that the developers realized you could get into such a zombie mode clicking the bottom left corner of the chest and hitting the Sell button without moving that they added a modal to let you know when an item is NOT throwaway junk.

Level 6, artifacts unlocked.  Task 121: Draw 1 Artifact.

The Artifact main page is a grid of artifacts with a green Draw button and an Auto Draw checkbox.  You get 3 free draws at first, and it cycles through the grid a bit like a slot machine.  After the free draws it take 10 Artifact Energy to draw another.  Click one of the items you found and click Activate and Equip to put it to use.

Task 122: Draw 3 Artifacts
Task 123: upgrade to Chest Level 6
Task 124: Reach Level 65.  This is the big one that unlocks Fishing and Dungeons: Treasure Hunt.

Sep 16: I got through Task 124 finally, after which there are a bunch of tasks about chest upgrades then Task 140: Reach level 70.  This also unlocked the Treasure Hunt Journey, shown here:

This section looks good at first, just roll the die and move around the board getting stuff.  But it costs a lot of gold to just roll the die once, and there seems to be a daily limit.  While there are some nice prizes listed, my first time around the board, all I got were more chests.  This feature was underwhelming.


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