Card Crawl: Delve Mode

I got through all of the 32 cards needed to unlock the Delve mode, only to fine that the Delve mode isn't that different from the regular game, other than essentially counting how many hands in a row you can win.  So, you start at Delve Level 1 and need something like 10 coins and a win to move on to level 2.  With each level you need 5 more coins to progress.  I did make it to level 10 to meet one of the quests on the Quests page, then failed and dropped back to level 9.

Tonight I lost more and sunk to level 5.  So, it's a long haul to move up and get past your personal best.  It would be nice if there was a high score of some kind, but just getting back up to level 10 has been a challenge, and I can see ahead to where level 18 might require a win and 100 gold to surpass.  And I almost never get more than 70 or 80 gold per hand.  I'm not sure level 20 could even be reached with a progression lke that.

Looking at the Quests screen, it's a bit of a jumble.  I completed on quest to kill a 20+ monster, then the Delve level 10 quest but all it did was unlock a new character card which had no modifiers or special abilities.

I was hoping for some extended play options or something new to see after getting the full set of cards.  It's still a fun challenge, and I guess I will focus more on those quests.  I don't know what the Trophies page is good for if you have no friends playing and are not in any group, or what the Constructed section is for.


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