What's the Point?

We finally got around to playing "What's the Point" that we got a few weekends ago.  It's a pretty simple card game that felt a lot like a deck of Fluxx cards.  

There are point cards, action cards, and character cards.  For 2-3 players, the first to collect 10 point cards is the winner.  The rules are short, and there is enough variety to get into some funny moments.  In general, you play as many action cards as you want during your turn, but any action that gets you points will end your turn, along with playing any card that says it ends your turn.  Otherwise, to end your turn you draw a new card.  If you start your turn with an empty hand, draw 3 cards.  You also get points by playing 3 of a kind of any of the 3 character cards, with wild cards to add some spice.

The action cards just let you steal cards or points, or ask for a specific card, or Stop an action another player is taking.  It's funny getting into a Stop battle, where you Stop the Stop they played to Stop your Stop, and so on. 

Checkout all these Stop cards we got in our first game...

The first hand we played only one action card per hand to get used to the feel of it, but playing multiple action cards really ramps it up.  It's not unusual to blindly steal a card which turns out to be a Look and Steal a Card card, which you use to look at their cards and take their other Steal a Card card, which you can use to take their last card, complete a set and score some points, all in one burst.

Considering the theme is "Cactus", the art on the cards was surprisingly charming.  Especially this cute little guy:

It was a fun half hour of stealing cards, stealing points, swapping hands, and Stopping each other from doing the same.  It doesn't take long to get those 10 points, and promise to shuffle better next time.


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