Humble Bundle - Turkey/Syria Relief

The Humble Bundle site has really come up with some big bundles lately.  I got an add for this one, for charities supporting victims of the Turkey/Syria Earthquake.  It includes Steam licenses for about 60 games including an early access game set in the Pathfinder world, plus Paizo downloads for the Starfinder Corebook and a Starfinder module, and about 10 PDF downloads of comic book collections, all for a minimum $35 donation.  It sounds like this deal is only good until March 8.

Most of the games did not appeal to me (either too dark or bloody or just annoying platform games), but my interest was piqued by their inclusion of a bunch of games from developers IN Turkey.  That is just good curation of the collection.  Of the games from Turkey, I saw two with cats in them and one chemistry game, and those were my first downloads.  Sure, there were some big-time games from major developers (Gotham Knights, Ghostrunner, XCOM-2 and so on), but I like to see what's going on in other parts of the world in terms of game play, design, and artwork.

These games from Steam all run on PCs, so it will be good to get away from apps on my little screen.  Except that I'm tired of being in front of computers all day.  I guess we just can't win.  Anyway, look for some more articles coming soon...

The first one I tried was Project Chemistry, which didn't really do much at all.  Just move the screen focus using WASD keys, add molecules as they are unlocked (but they almost never fit where I try to put them) then reactions unlock which make more molecules.  I should have found it more interesting but there were just circles on the screen. 

It looks like the developers built a decent set of reference materials and articles about the elements and discoverers.  But there is no "game" here.  Just clicking to see what unlocks next.


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