Idle Planet Miner - Debris Fields

I finally completed research for the debris field in Idle Planet Miner.  It only took about a full month of what little time I have to fiddle with it daily.

Yes, the debris fields are automatically harvested, just like the asteroids.  I have seen two debris fields appear so far.  One gave me a satellite dish and the other gave 71 basic computers.  So they are pretty much exactly what I was expecting: a source of random items.

Here is one I caught in a screenshot...

I added the white box so you can see it better.  They are gone in about 5 seconds like the asteroids so you might not see them most of the time.  I suddenly have 60 advanced computers, 700 lasers and a ton of other things. 

Now I need 5 more nuclear reactors and 92 scrith alloy for the only other research available: superior asteroid harvester, another x1.3 value bonus.  I guess I can also do Advanced Leader for 8 more motors, 8 telescopes and 111 scrith alloy.

I also made it to planet 43, the $6.2q investment, the first one that mines scrith.  So I have a steady source of that now.  Now using those 6 planet boosts I had been saving up to boost my starting supply.

My galaxy value is just under $13q, which would give me 707 credits.

11/30 update ... ugh, I had almost all the scrith I needed for my last asteroid harvester upgrade

And like a dope I went and crafted a robot to get to my Superior Manager, which took 240 scrith.  MULLIGAN!

11/4 update: I did finally get that harvester.   The $40q planet is just scrith, and there is only one thing left i can craft without higher ores, need 2 more robots for the second manager, so I need 400 more scrith.  Got 48.  So I'm saving up for the $100q world.  I can make teleporters to sell for $2q each but they take 200 navigation modules that take 30 minutes each to craft.  Even with 3 crafters working on it, it's going to take time.

12/9 update ... the $100q planet is the first one to have uru.  Now with 172 uru alloy I can research the Furnace Overdrive 2 or with 215 I can finish the Debris Harvester (×1.3 value to all debris). I did get the 9 robots for the 2nd 5-star manager but darn, I only have one 5- star dude.  I have researched all but the last two telescopes,  mostly using alloys found in debris fields that I would not be able to make normally.   The money system continues with quadrillion (q), quintillions (Q), sextillions (s) and septillions (S).  Not much left to do at this point. 


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