Idle Planet Miner: Sell My Galaxy Again?

I got up to about planet 36 and nearly finished with the tech tree, so I guess it's time to sell my galaxy again.  Some stats:
$66.84T on hand
Galaxy Value $198.3T worth 376 credits
Ores: over a million of each, down to Palladium, then 691K Osmium, 347K rhodium, 15.5K inerton.
Alloys: 1-200K each down to gold, except only 352 silver, then 761 bronze, 402 steel, 348 Pt, 83 Ti, 51 Pd, 150 Os, 52 Rh, 25 inerton.

It's fun having the big numbers, like the planet boosts that are up to $19T.  And I'm not sure there's much new that's going to happen in this game, just more research, more weird ores and stuff to idly spend the weird ores on.  But I do have 10 good managers, though I will be reduced to 3 manager slots again after the sale, I suppose.  It will be good to have big boosts in production speed, but is it really a sensible goal to redo everything I did in the last month, only 220% faster?

Almost complete tech tree, mosaic of a few screenshots

I tried building a spreadsheet of the Planets, Research, Recipes and other items in the game, but the costs and time needed are highly skewed by all the bonuses I'm accumulated, so it's hard to know the base price for anything.

After spending some dark matter on boosts, my galaxy value is $276T for 383 credits, X2 for 766 credits.


New rooms?  I only get to choose those next two: Robotics (rover scan time -10%, don't care) for 133 credits or Lounge (galaxy credits reward x1.15, yawn) for 133 credits.  Whatever, get 'em both just to see what comes next.  Oh one room costs 133, the next is 200, new option is Backup Generator (max idle time +30min, yawn).  Get the lounge.  Third room costs 298, new choice is Terrarium (colonization prices -10%, snore).  Guess I will take the Backup Generator for some more idle time, since it's an idle game after all.  Next room would cost 439, new choice is Underforge (smelting prices 10%, which isn't very clear).

Done with rooms, 139 credits remaining.  Put the rest into bonuses for existing rooms.  The progression costs for those are all over the map:
- Engineering, level 2 to 3 = 8cr
- Aeronautical, level 2 to 3 = 8cr
- Packaging, level 2 to 3 = 8cr
- Forge, level 3 to 4 = 12cr
- Workshop, level 3 to 4 = 12cr
- Astronomy, level 1 to 2 = 26cr, yikes
- Laboratory, level 1 to 2 = 26cr, yikes
- Lounge, level 1 to 2 = 8cr
- Robotics, level 1 to 2 = 53cr, why?
- Backup Generator, level 1 to 2 = 21cr, okay level 2 boosts the Max idle time from +30min to +60min, nice
I want smelt and crafting speeds.  I have managers to boost mining rates, cargo space and ship speed.

So, Forge level 4 for 12cr, level 5 for 18cr, lv 6 for 25cr, those had smelt speed x1.5, x1.6 and x1.7.
Same pattern for Workshop up to lv 6 x1.7 speed.
And I have 4 credits left, the big buy-in is done.

After about 10 minutes, I have 6 planets, smelter, asteroid mining, management (starting with 8 slots), off to a new start.

The next morning: wow, it's really boring again.  I tried doing a production boost, but here's how it went: make on copper bar and run out of copper, make one iron bar and run out of iron, argh.  Waste of dark matter right there.  So, I have some stuff and can make the same things all over again.


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