Microcosmum: the cells go on

Microcosmum has been a relaxing pasttime before bed the past week or two, although I do get sucked into playing "just one more level".  Their pricing is so reasonable I bought all the extra level bundles except the one where you can paint your cells with colors.  On the downside, my evolution is maxed out and I keep getting new genes that I will never be able to use.  I was hoping the new packs would have new genes.  

Sure, you get strange new things living in the Petri dish with you.  I was hoping they would come with some kind of profile page telling you what they are or what they can do, but I guess they will just be "things" without names.  On some levels, there are bigger things which spawn the smaller things, and it can be quite a battle to fend off the bugs and wipe out the AI cells so you can finally focus on the spawners.  

The grand strategy isn't all that grand.  Most of the time I just hit the Select All Antibodies button and tap a target.  Every now and then I tap the Select All Cells button and move them as a group to swarm one of the bigger foes.  Or, after sending all antibodies to a target I sometimes drag a box and send some of them to a second target.  That's about it as far as decisions go.  

When each level begins, you have to be quick about leveling up your one cell or grabbing a second cell, and keep leveling up and capturing until you can take on the more advanced cells one at a time.  Once you have 3 or 4 small cells, focus all their particles on one of your own to level it up, then focus all output to level up another.  If you see some of your own particles coming in from off screen, there are a few levels that start you with multiple cells spread out, so bring them all to one position before they are taken out by the competition.  If small opponent cells get too close, hit them with everything you've got to convert them to your team. Once you have about four tier two or tier three cells, you are probably on par with the strongest AI team and can make a stand.

Some levels start you as one lone tiny cell in a limited space with four or five that are a level or two above your pay grade, so let them fight each other while you build up your forces.  If a big stream of antibodies is headed your way, you can sometimes dodge behind another opponent cell and let it take the damage.  ;-)

There are some empty shells on some levels that you can move into and gain significant armor at the cost of not being able to move anymore.  Of the little bugs that get added, there are ones that just bump you and downgrade your cell, ones that burst when hit and do damage in a small radius, ones which emit those red particles that are so annoying, ones that give off vapors I guess, a tiny one that multiplies your own antibodies and sends them back to you, and ones that are just wiggly little bits of clutter.

Feb 13: I have completed the Aliens and New Life add-on level packs.  It will be sad if there are no more levels available.  Sure, I got the add-on that generates random levels, but I felt the human-built levels felt right, and I'm not sure random will be satisfying.  I guess I can get the Hot And Cold add-on, but it doesn't sound nearly as interesting.


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