The Six Million Dollar Man

This game was in that batch of unrelated games I got this week.  I wasn't expecting much from it, and it delivered pretty much as expected.  It is just a roll-and-move game with the most pointless deck of game cards I have ever seen.  The cards all just say Power, each one worth one Power point.  It also had one of those silly spinners from 1 to 6 where they could have just used a regular six-sided die instead.

The game had a few twists, like splitting the path into four separate "missions", though the missions feel exactly the same.  At the end of each mission you have to spin over a four or five (depending on the mission) to move to the next mission or win the game if you're on mission four, and if you fail the roll you lose a Power card and try again next turn; after two fails we just move to the next mission to quit stalling.  The blurbs describing why you lose cards or lose a turn vary from one mission to the next.  We ended up just throwing the power cards into the middle of the board.  They come and go too quickly to try and keep an organized deck of them.  And they're all THE SAME.  Why do this?  A little stack of plastic tokens would have made more sense.

It is moderately interesting that you can opt to spend power cards to move a specific number of spaces (one card per space) instead of spinning the spinner, but none of the spaces are different enough to make it worthwhile.  If you land on another player, high spinner wins one power card from the other guy and moves forward.

That's really all there is to this one.  These days, such a game would have a deck of actually meaningful mission cards at the very least.  And maybe a pack of band-aids for when you break your bionic leg in mission three.


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