Exponential Idle: first Supremacy to Infinity

I made it to the first Supremacy and of course it reset everything except the boosters I paid stars for, like it said it would.  It took far less time to build back up to the $ee30 range.  I hit $ee50 again today, after a few more Prestiges, and got some mixed signals.  First, the Supremacy button said to wait until d(psi)>1.5 again, but now I saw what it meant.  I had 0.08 psi left over from left time, so the new psi value would have to be 1.58.  Yup, the Supremacy button unlocked, but then it had a warning "You will not yet be able afford any psi-based upgrades yet."  True, the cheapest of those was 6 psi, so I should wait to hit 6 psi before doing the next Supremacy, or I will not get any new options by doing so.  Right now it's topped out at $ee56.796, and psi it at 2.08.  

At this point, there is no reason to buy upgrades to the top few variables, since they have no effect on the significant digits of x, which sits at 4.783e19.  Only the upgrades to w, alpha and beta change those digits at all.  Boy, the free upgrade to x is hilariously obsolete since it's not going to add more than 100 to a 19-digit number unless I spam it for hours -- even at level 100 it only adds 2^3*10, a whole 80.   Buy All for x through w had no effect on x.  I wonder if the auto-buyer has been wasting a lot of units on low upgrades, though at level 97 it would boost y from 89z to 90z (both plus 2^16*378).  Meh.  Time to Prestige again, that makes 46.

Now, changing beta from 3 to 4 changed x from 1.165e14 to 1.171e14, at level 7 it's 2*10 and x hits 1.201e14.  Buy All vars: 7.675e14.  Upgrades: y,z,s and u: x=8.782e14, then v, w, alpha, beta for 1.26e15.  Buy All Upgrades: x=1.358e19.  Buying vars: everything below w had <0.001 effect on the visible digits, then I bumped w, alpha, beta for 1.4e19, and Buy All hit 6.987e19 because it bought multiple levels of each.  On the variables page,  if you press the "i" button, it shows you the power level of each variable, and as you climb higher all the power goes to the variables furthest down the list, which makes sense since they are multiplied the most times moving up the list. 

So yeah, it looks like the only strategy is using the Auto Buyer and spamming the Buy All button.  Now I'm cruising past $ee63, psi is 2.53 (not nearly 6.00 yet) with 547 stars to spend on more boosts.  Whee!

What a weird thing to spend time doing. 

1/21: The second Supremacy was available at about $ee92, and the third at $ee143.  With auto-buy on, it immediately spends those psi points on the one available upgrade, so I never even got to see those points.  After a supremacy, you need to Prestige a few times to get the ball moving again, since b=0.001 isn't going to go anywhere, then the second one will put you around b=250, which is still microscopic.  Another two and you should get back in the range of b=2e11, which is still small but it will get you going up again.  Of course, since the overall function is converging toward some insane limit (possibly inifinite but it sure doesn't feel that way), the graph will flatline much more rapidly than before.  So it's a constant battle to prestige, leve it alone for a while, prestige and spam the Buy All button and jam the Accelerate button, prestige and wait.  Is this actually enjoyable?  I don't know.  It clearly plays into some kind of psychological quirk of mine.

The next psi-based upgrade is at 96 psi, so Supremacy number four is going to take a while.  I am topping out at $ee143 now, time for Prestige number 75 ...

Psi finally hit 96 at about $ee188, so here we go again. Supremacy 4, Prestige 81.  Climbing the hill again.  When progress gets very slow at the top, I like to turn off the Auto buy and only hit the gamma and delta on the variables page then Buy All on the upgrades page.  Other options are wasteful and have no effect on the parameters.

Jan 23: At about 198, it stalled and I got a message saying I should try one more Supremacy but it was so close I did a Prestige instead... and made it to infinity!

See the little message at the very top. 

After that I did have to hit Supremacy to continue,  and now I'm prestiging and spamming to see if I  can get back up there. 


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