Mystic Market

Here is a magical crafting card game with a unique prop: the market itself is made up of 6 little vials of colored powder on a sloped rack.

The card trading is pretty simple, just a few basic actions to get, buy or swap to acquire the ingredients you need.  You can trade in ingredients for coins in sets of 2, 3 or 4, whichever number is on the cards.  Or you can trade ingredients for one of the potions that are showing.  The potions let you get more ingredients, or bonus coins, or even get paid a few coins to steal a card from another player. 

The way the market works is that when you sell ingredients, you move the colored vial for that ingredient back up to the top, and the others roll down, sending their prices up.  Or there is a Supply Shift card with a blurb that's fun to read, which will cycle all vials until the selected color is at the lowest point on the slope, the highest price.

I tried to work out a solitaire version after our first few test runs.  I tend to fiddle with things long after everyone else gets tired.  I just dealt a spare hand of five, and kept it at five cards, and was able to buy, sell, craft potions, and steal cards as needed.  To make it a reasonable challenge, I figured I should see if I could hit 100 coins before the deck ran out.  I was able to get 94 and 107, so that target works just fine.  A few of the potion effects are useless in a solo game, and the most fun part - getting coins to steal cards from other players - was absent.  But some night when ordinary solitaire with ordinary cards (get off the computer, folks) seems dull, maybe I will fiddle with the rules for solo Mystic Market again.


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