Cat Lady: the app
A thread came up on one of the board gamer groups on Facebook where someone asked for a list of board games which have good implementations as game apps, and Cat Lady came up on that list. We had to check that out. The graphics were perfect, with some cute f/x and music added, and it was easy to get up and running. Just hit Play then Classic Game. This defaults to a single computer opponent, but you can add up to three. It also allows a second human player (and possibly more, we had no reason to check). Against the computer player, the game goes very quickly. It's over before you know it, and since I tend to pick easy cats to feed (worth lower points) and forget to get toys, I lose about 75% of the time. It all flows nicely: check your cards and see what you need, maybe feed a cat or two, then swipe some new cards into your hand. The app organizes the cards very nicely and does all the calculations s you can see that your pick added 5 points, or...